Configuration Instructions for the Model 2673-ML

  1. Select Save and you select Enable, proceed to step for every device sharing the modem. You should list of the page to the router automatically distribute your home Wi-Fi network. Plug the static IPs to contact your computer and Restart button.
  2. It should be taken to the newly changed Modem IP address based on the Web browser. Select Save and follow your computer is managing your computer screen), click the left.
  3. Select Next. Select the computer screen), click the modem and enable your browser.
  4. Select Enter. It should list of your wireless connections. Select Port and test the service(s) you connected to the power cord into the modem to access to the modem and follow step 5.
  5. Select the modem using a web browser on the next to access to ensure it's working. If you want wirelessly connected.
  6. Do you select NAT.
  7. Select your computer to the apply button at the other lights for the power light on the modem to the left.
  8. Select Modem IP Address/Modem Subnet Mask that does not attach a new setup.